Saturday, November 22, 2003

How to Find a Husband after 35

In the blawg (law blog) of Scheherazade,
Stay of Execution, there is a posting entitled "I Wonder If I Can Do A Law School Version?" which relates to a book by Rachel Greenwald entitled "Find a Husband After 35 Using What I Learned at Harvard Business School", which is reviewed in the New Yorker by Rebecca Mead in the article "Love for Sale: An M.B.A. brings marketing methods to the mating game"
and is blogged by The Minor Fall, The Major Lift who isolated "five essential steps necessary to trapping a man for life".

Listen, I am male, will be 57 in week and a half and am happily trapped, thank you, but this book may be an eye-opener to those still looking or wanting to be looked for.

As you can tell from the many comments to the blog posting about this book, sex sells, and as is usually and always surprisingly the case, women are more open about some things than men, at least in print.

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